Providing a Comfortable and Efficient Visit
We're dedicated to making your experience as a patient smooth, comfortable, and efficient for you. We've prepared this section to help you learn more about the administrative aspects of your care.
Office Hours
We are available during the following hours:
Available for Appointments
Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Note: Appointment availability varies from provider to provider
Available by Phone
Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 12:00PM and 1:00PM - 5:00PM
Note: Appointment availability varies from provider to provider
For emergencies outside of regular office hours, we have a physician on call 24 hours a day who can be reached by dialing our main number, 602-265-9161.
We understand your time is valuable. We strive to maintain our schedules in a manner that we are able to see you at your scheduled appointment time, and we appreciate you being prompt for your check-in time to help us accomplish this goal.
New patients are asked to check in 30 minutes prior to their appointment time to allow time to complete the new patient paperwork, which includes an extensive medical history. (You can get a head start by printing Our Forms and completing them in advance.)
Please bring your insurance card to your appointment and be prepared to pay your copay at the time of the appointment.
The nature of our specialty does mean that sometimes we have to leave the office on a moment's notice. We work hard to let our patients know in advance if we have an impending delivery that might affect an appointment. When making your appointment, please leave us a phone number where you think you will be reachable just before your visit.
We realize things come up unexpectedly and that you may need to cancel an appointment. Please notify us as soon as possible so we may contact someone who may need that appointment.
Telephone Messages
Our standard of care is to return all phone calls the same day they are received. We realize everyone is busy, so please let the office staff know if it is ok to leave a message in the event you are unable to take our call.
Prescription Refills
Please call your pharmacy for your refill requests. We recommend you allow 4-7 days on your refill requests to make sure you don't run out of your medication.
Your Information is Confidential
All of our staff members are held to the highest confidentiality standards. Your medical information will remain completely confidential unless we receive a signed written release from you. Information will not be shared with family members unless we have your expressed written authorization to do so.
Payment and Insurance
Payments for copays and fees for services rendered are due at the time of service. We accept cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and debit cards.
The insurance plan is a contract between you and your insurance company. Please contact your insurance company to be assured that you have coverage for the services you will be receiving. If your insurance requires a referral or authorization for your visit and you do not have this with you at the time of service, your appointment will need to be rescheduled. Please be sure you contact your Primary Care Physician and allow plenty of time for the authorization/referral process.
Please be sure to bring a current copy of your insurance card to your appointment. We will file your insurance as a service to you. If our office does not hear from your insurance company within 60 days, we request your help in contacting your insurance company to resolve the payment delay. While we will help in any way we can, ultimately, the payment is your responsibility.
FMLA (Familly Medical Leave Act) and Disability Forms
We are happy to complete your FMLA and disability forms. There is a $10 charge per form and per person for the completion of these forms. If you are pregnant and know you will need forms completed for your maternity leave, we encourage to get those forms to us by your 32nd week of pregnancy. This allows us to complete them and get them back to you before your delivery, making one less thing to think about in your final weeks of pregnancy.